Med Services Industrial profile

Firmly established in the engineering field and financial services, Med Services Industrial operates mainly in the fields of building, transport infrastructure, hydraulics, energy and industry, land-use planning and environment. Our multidisciplinary teams pool their expertise through new technical and financial means and powerful collaboration tools. Med Services Industrial deploys also an extensive expertise in the economic studies, the public development strategies and advice to private companies. This expertise allows the group to benefit from a thorough knowledge of the geographical and socio-economic contexts of areas of intervention and also enables it to adopt a country-specific approach.

The competence and multidisciplinarity of our teams, allow Med Services Industrial to provide its clients with a wide range of consulting, engineering and financial services and support them throughout the development of their projects. Thanks to its strong international network of partners, Med Services Industrial is in position to adapt to diverse and demanding contexts. This together with the mobility of its staff allows Med Services Industrial to deploy its competence in many countries, according to the same principles and methods, with professionalism and a constant concern for quality.
